Tuesday, January 21, 2014

As Luck Would Have It

We had a gorgeous three-day weekend.  The temperature was in the high 30's to low 40's and while outside working I had to strip my jacket off.  It was T-shirt weather.  We spent it alternating between continuing to work on our tiling project, driving to Nicholasville, KY, to pick up another used trampoline I bought from a Craigslist ad to make a Trampoline All-You-Can-Eat Buffet for the boys, picking up a round bale of hay, and getting the round bale  and the trampoline set up in the boys' pasture.

We picked up the round bale on Sunday evening.  By the time we got home it was starting to get dark and the ground was very squishy form all the moisture Mother Nature has bestowed upon us lately.  We decided to wait until Monday morning to roll it out of the bed of the truck with hopes the ground would have frozen during Sunday night so we wouldn't leave deep ruts in the pasture with the truck.

First thing Monday morning we rolled the bale out and the boys made a run for it.  I recorded a video (I don't make many videos, hence the jumpiness of it).

01/20/2014 a.m.


Another gorgeous evening sunset...a perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

01/20/2014 p.m.

And, as luck would have it, perfect timing...what I woke up to this morning and it is still snowing but the boys' hay is covered and dry.

01/21/2014 a.m.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A 'Just Right' Day to Celebrate

Yesterday, we celebrated Grayson's birthday.  He turned 1.  It was a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cold, just right for a sheepie.

The birthday boy...

Sutton sings, "Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday, Dear Grayson..."

Then says to Cato, "You take it from here."  Cato finishes the song, "Happy Birthday to You."

Butser and William, "Where's the cake?

Butser, "Is it my birthday, too? Are you going to sing to me, mom?"

Me, "No, Buster.  Your's isn't until March.  Looks like you've been enjoying your minerals though."

Friday, January 17, 2014

Snow Blankets

It is snowing...big, fluffy, wet flakes.  When I looked out the kitchen window, I saw Haven and Sprout still lying outside the barn with snow blankets on.

While Pop and Truleigh were thinking, "Are they crazy!?, We're not going out there." (Notice Truleigh must have went inside the barn when it started snowing since she has a bit of snow on her.)

Not soon after, a few of the girls ventured out to go to the Trampoline All-You-Can-Eat Buffet.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Trampoline All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

I've wanted to be able to put a round bale of hay in the pasture during the winter so the sheep have free access to it even though they much prefer grazing to anything else.  But, I was concerned about a bale sitting out in the weather for an entire season so have been trying to come up with an idea for a cover.  Nothing I found felt like it would do the job.  Mainly, because whatever it was was either not big enough, or extremely expensive.

Tada!  A trampoline...I did a post on my website on the construction of it, so if you'd like to know how, click on the link.

Some of the braver girls have been checking it out this past week and a half.  Usually a quick walk over, a quick look, and then they moved on.  But, in their defense, to a Babydoll, it probably is pretty scary looking.

Today was the first day several of them decided to go to the buffet.




Haven & Firle



Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In Dog Years

This morning, I was up before the crack of dawn with Farmboy, who's alarm rings at 4 a.m.  While drinking my first cup of coffee, I read the night's e-mails.  My wonderful vet's office, Central Kentucky Veterinary Center, had sent an e-mail wishing someone a Happy Birthday.

As soon as it got light out, I bundled up and went out to get some pictures of the birthday girl who's usually the last one to rise and shine.  The girls were just making their way out of the barn and the birthday girl was not being very cooperative.  My fingers were quickly becoming numb (the "feels like" temperature happened to be - 0°), while she refused to pose for me.  Notice the grumpy look on her face?

Faith:  Mom!  Get that camera out of my face. Can't you see I haven't even had time to get the night's accumulation of straw off of me?

Some shaking and arching of the back to wake wake up...

And then... 


Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Faith,
Happy birthday to you.

Do you know how old you are Faith?  You're 7.

Faith:  How old did you say I was?

Me:  You're 7, Faith...according to the Dog Years Calculator, that means your 41.

Faith:  NO WAY!